creating meaning

Thursday 23rd September 2021 Creating Meaning     

 subject position

  • our subject position is everything that goes to make up what we are and where we fit in the world.
  • my subject position is a female, 13 year old, white, pansexual who lives in cornwall.  

this magazine cover could be interpreted in two different ways, on one note people could see Kim Kardashian on the front cover and realise that they recognise her. on the other hand, someone could see it and think that she looks 'hot' and decide to get it for that reason too. this could also be bought because of the snippets written around it, by reading these you'd automatically become curious whats written inside the magazine as well.

denotes - gun. 

connotes - danger, death, violent, crime, worry

denotes - clown.

connotes - creepy, energetic, colourful, excitement, dangerous 

denotes - thor.

connotes - powerful, mighty, hero, strength, serious 

Beauty and The Beast

the roses flooding out from the two people on the poster could signify a few things such as passion, love and romance. The background is a smoky purple. the colour purple is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition. Purple also represents meanings of wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, devotion, pride, mystery, independence, and magic. all of these could signify the luxurios,royal castle that the Beast lives in or the expensive clothing that he/belle wears. 


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