theoretical framework

                  Thursday 30th September 2021 

Theoretical Framework

 Media language is - all the different elements used to construct any   media product. 

   camerawork - shot type, angle and movement
  • sound track
  • mise-en-scene
  • editing - transitions, pace and special effects 

  •   establishing shot shows us where the scene is taking        place 
  •   wide shot places people in a scene 
  •   full shot/long shot shows a full body- from feet to head 
  •   medium full shot/long shot shows a person from about        their    thigh upwards
  •   medium/mid shot shows a person from about the waist up 
  •   medium close up shows a person from their chest upwards 
  •   a close up shows just the face, used to normally show      emotions 
  •   extreme close up either focuses on one part of the face    or on an object zoomed in 


  • music 
  • sound effects 
  • dialogue
  • voiceover
   can be diegetic or non diegetic

diegetic - all of the sound that you would hear if you were in that scene e.g. crashing, traffic, explosions 
non-diegetic - anything added by editing that only the audience can hear e.g. music, voiceovers

diegetic sounds - glass shattering, people talking/shouting, gunshots, hitting people/being hit
non-diegetic sounds - background music 


      includes everything that can be seen in a frame
  • costume
  • props
  • setting
  • hair and makeup
  • lighting
  • actor positioning 
  • body language and facial expressions 


 includes all the post production work on a moving image
  • transitions 
  • pace and speed
  • CGI
  • green screening
  • graphics 


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