L/O: to understand the narrative and characters in the lego movie 

emmet is a very lonely person who tries to change himself so people will want to be around him this is proven when he picks up one book on his shelf with the name,  "how to make friends" . emmet is very unskilled and cowardly, he doesn't understand what the master builders do that makes them special 

warner bros makes a habit of adding their other movie characters into the lego movie e.g. superman, batman, wonder woman, star wars characters, Dumbledore, green lantern, Gandalf and others 

Shakespeare and Lincoln 

the old west, middle Zealand, cloud cuckoo land, bricksburk 

A summary of the narrative 

emmet goes from being an average construction worker to "the special" when he accidentally touches a piece called the piece of resistance and it gets stuck to him for most of the movie. wyldstyle becomes emmets co-star in the movie, meeting new friends along the way, while they attempt to stop lord business' plan to freeze the whole world with "the kragle". 

the main themes are to use your imagination, teamwork, believing in yourself and that everyone is special and capable of great things. 

Thursday 15th September 2022

The Lego Movie Industry Research 

LO: to research the process, companies and regulators behind the film industry 

  1. Distribution: refers to the process of distributing a movie to the public, typically to theatersExhibition is the retail branch of the film industry. Production: The production stage, also known as principal photography, is when shooting begins. 
  2. A media conglomerate, media group, or media institution is a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises, such as music, television, radio, publishing, motion pictures, theme parks, or the Internet.
  3. The film industry in the UK is regulated by the British Board of Film Classification. The BBFC is responsible for classifying films that have a cinema and DVD release.
  4. the lego movie is rated U.
  5. The Games Rating Authority (GRA) – which is part of the Video Standards Council – rates games using the PEGI system.
  6. the lego movie game is rated 4+ 
  7. warner bros and lin pictures produced the lego movie 
  8. dan lin directed the lego movie 
  9. TT fusion produced the lego movie game 
  10. The Warner Bros. conglomerate produces the Lego movies in conjunction with Lin Films.
  11. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is the UK's independent advertising regulator. 

Thursday 22nd September 2022                     Industry Research 

LO: to research the process, companies and regulators behind the film industry. 


regulators are usually industry bodies that do one of these two things:

- classify products, usually by an age rating

- ensures content of products meets acceptable standards 

The Lego Movie Video Game 

  1. its important for film regulation to exist because without it there wouldn't be the right age ratings for children to keep them from seeing things that might disturb them 
  1. people can be against film regulation because if youre too young to watch a film that you want to watch it may upset you
  1. the term censorship has a negative sound to it so BBFC is now british board of film classification.
  1. if a horror movie is rated a 12 it probably wont be scary 

 Narrative  theory    

LO: to explore the narrative and apply narrative theory to the lego movie. 

the lego movie is a postmodernist film, you can tell this because it challenges genre conventions by having multiple different genres such as; romance, comedy, fantasy and action. it also challenges typical character roles, emmet (the main character and supposed "hero") is just an ordinary person who doesn't seem to be special at all. the movie is very hyper-reality, if a wise old person tells you something it must be true, everything in the media is true, 

narrative stages 

equilibrium - emmet is a construction worker in bricksburg 

disruption - emmet finds the piece of resistance

recognition of disruption - wyldstyle brings emmet to join the master builders and stop lord business  from using the kragle to freeze everyone in place. 

attempt to solve disruption - emmet and the master builders break into lord business' office and save all the trapped master builders and restore everyone to their original condition 

new equilibrium - everyone is free to build what they want and be where they want as lord business is no longer controlling them 

Thursday 28th September 

The Hero - Emmet / Finn

The Villain - Lord business/ Finn's dad

The Donor - Vitruvius / Finn 

The Helper - Wyldstyle / master builders 

The Dispatcher - Wyldstyle / Vitruvius 

The Princess - The piece of resistance / wyldstyle 

The Princess' Father - Wyldstyle / Vitruvius 

The False Hero - Batman / Wyldstyle 

Vertical Integration is when a Media Company owns different businesses in the same chain of production and distribution. For example, a 20th Century Fox owns the studios in Hollywood, they also own the cinemas, the TV channels and the DVD rental shops.

warner brothers have no need to share money with other companies because they produce their films within their own company. this saves them plenty of money and increases their profit by a whole lot. it also makes the production process more efficient as they are working in a singular company so theres no need to be communicating with other companies or wasting any time during production. 

Thursday 6th October 2022                                     Target Audience 

LO - to identify the target audience using demographics and psychographics 

The Lego Movie targets a family audience made up of three parts. young kids who play with lego, parents who may have played with lego when they were young too, and finally teens and young adult  cinema-goers who may go with younger siblings or friends.

The movie appeals to young children by having cute characters like uni-kitty and adding lots of colourful things.

The lego movie appeals to teens and young adults because they may have played/or still play with lego, they may also like the more adult humour or dark jokes, they will probably notice plenty of the dc heroes that are shown in the movie too. 

1. the lego movie is great for kids and adults 

2. instead of having people who direct kids movies, they brought in people who direct comedy movies 

3. if someone doesn't play with lego, they may go and watch the film and come back to want to play with lego

1. It has an emotive storyline that explores the meaning of love, partnership and humanity. 

2. as humans we relate to the lego movie because we are all different and can choose to do what we want.  

3. the movie has something for everyone, therefore everyone can watch it without feeling bored or annoyed by it. 

The Lego Movie - Marketing 

In broadcast programming and motion pictures, a tent-pole is a program or film that supports the financial performance of a film studio or television network. It is an analogy for the way a strong central pole provides a stable structure to a tent.     

the lego movie was a tent pole production because it was directed produced and by warner bros. therefore warner bros 

Thursday 13th October 2022             The Lego Movie: Marketing 

posters outside cinemas 
posters on buses 
social media 
interviewing cast for upcoming movies 

17 lego world sets based around the movie 
The lego movie video game - 4th feb 
16 collectable figures 
a range of school supplies 
sticker and activity book 
happy meals 
collective cards 
each week in jan 2014 the released a new character poster 
lego stores around the country had linked events 
events at lego land 

7:27pm in dancing on ice on Sunday 9th February - five days before the Lego Movie release - ITV broadcast -a world first - an ad break made entirely of lego. the ads were for the British heart foundation, BT ,premier in and 

During The Lego Movie marketing campaign, they broke boundaries with a TV ad and linked social media campaign because over 6m people saw the ad on TV and then another 1.1m people searched for it online, bringing the total to over 7.1 million views. in addition to this, lots of people began to talk about the ad break on social media and added in the hashtag  #legomovie. 

Thursday 3rd November  2022               The Lego Movie Trailer

LO - to evaluate the methods used to market the lego movie; to link the methods to the target audience. 

1. warner bros made their logo from lego because it was for the lego movie 
2. if you see a trailer start with a warner bros logo you're more likely to pay attention to the whole trailer and then eventually watch the movie itself because warner bros are known for making good movies. 

Equilibrium - Emmet is watching an ad for taco Tuesday on his tv.

Disruption - we see Lord Business say "follow the rules or you'll get put to sleep"

Recognition of disruption - Emmet says "wait did he say put to sleep?!" 

Attempt to solve disruption - Emmet, Vitruvius and Wyldstyle go on a mission with the master builders to fight off Lord business and stop him from using the kragle on the people of the lego universe. 

1. the equilibrium and disruption need to be shown quickly in the 30 second trailer to get it out of the way so that they can add in some interesting scenes that'll catch peoples attention after. it gets to the point. 

2. if its a younger audience its better to announce the equilibrium and disruption asap so the children are interested in it and want to watch more. 

There are several close up shots of characters so that you can tell who the main characters are and this helps add a dramatic affect. 
Having shots of lots of different locations adds a sense of adventure and creates a somewhat more interesting trailer
Having low angle shots of Vitruvius and Wyldstyle you can see that they're up high, this tells us that they're powerful and considered "the good guys". 

Digetic sound is all the things that the characters can hear, this gives us a sense of narrative as we can hear what the characters are saying so we know whats going on in the movie. 
When we hear diegetic sounds such as gunshots or explosions it gives us the idea that this has plenty of action scenes which keeps the film interesting. 
Non-diegetic sound helps set the mood of the scene in the film, fast paced and loud music would tell us that maybe an action scene is occurring. 

In this trailer there are lots of short cuts of the film so that it doesn't give away too much info and doesn't get boring fast. it also keeps it intense and dramatic to have lots of quick and short cuts. 
The inter-titles like "funniest movie of the year" and "top treat for half term" help to attract the target audience of children who may go to school. 
Slow motion scenes are added to create a certain mood. in action scenes, adding slow motion can help to keep things from being plain and dull. 

The various locations help to show a sense of genre because theres so many different scenes and costumes to match the scenes to see, this helps keep up an action/adventure genre for the film. 
The colour palette of the trailer is very bright. This helps to draw people towards it and make people want to watch it, especially young children. 
We can tell plenty of things about various characters due to their costumes. Batman for instance, who is dressed in a superhero suit, this tells us that he is going to try to be the hero of the film. or wyldstyle wearing black and leather for most of the movie to give off a strong/scary or tough vibe. 

Thursday 10th November

Explain how The Lego Movie trailer uses two elements of media language to target different audiences.

One Element used in the lego movie trailer is the Editing of small titles on the lower half of the screen such as "funniest movie of the year" and  "top treat for half term". These small details are for a target audience of parents with young children, parents of young children will be much more willing to watch a movie targeted towards children if they're aware that another adult has called it  the "funniest movie of the year".  Another note to this is "top treat for half term" will give a parent the idea to take their child to watch this film in the half term.
Another element used in the lego movie is mise-en-scene, bright colours are used during the movie to grab the attention of children.

The Lego Movie Video Game 

LO- to explain how vertical integration benefits companies/ to analyse using uses and gratification theory. 

1. who is the game developer?

2. who's the game publisher?
Warner bros 

3. when was it released? 
February 2014

4. what genre is it?
action adventure 

5. what platforms was it released on? 
Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation®3, PlayStation®4, PlayStation®Vita, Wii U™, 3DS™ and PC.

6. its a single or multiplayer game 

harry potter movie - 2001 harry potter lego video game - 2010 
spider man 

Simultaneous Releases  

Profit maximised 
Extended pleasure of the film 
Cross promotion 

Uses and Gratifications 

Personal identity - helps us consider who we are; what ideas and values we identify with 
Information - new information we want to know or take pleasure in knowing 
Entertainment - offers distraction from the world 
Social interaction - we find things we can share and discuss with others 

The main use and gratification in the lego movie video game is entertainment and social interaction. 

Thursday 17th November        The Lego Movie Poster Campaign 

LO - to analyse the representations on the poster campaign 

- cloudy sky
- sky scrapers in the background
- man in full black suit and hood 
- picture taken form the bottom of the screen at a low angle 
- the building has a piece in the shape of a bat that is fiery and red.

-  looks dark and scary due to the dark colour pallet and shadowing, this could also tell us that its an action and danger movie.
- maybe a superhero or villain because the outfit that he's wearing is a superhero sort of suit and a cape, also he's wearing a mask to hide his identity. 
- adds a sense of worry with the clouds covering the sky because usually in films they will make the weather match the mood. 
- the building behind the man looks to be blowing up, this tells us its an action based movie and there will most likely be more destruction during the movie.
- the low angle shot thats been used to take the picture makes the man look more tall/big and powerful. it also makes him look dangerous. 

- theres a man in a construction worker outfit right at the front. 
- theres also lots of characters behind the man  
- a large mans face is in the sky, he looks angry 
- people in the background are getting attacked 

- the man at the front is a good person, you can tell this due to his colour pallet being bright and happy. he is holding a spanner, this can help explain that in the game you will be doing lots of building and creating in the game. this will help draw in the target audience of 7-14 year olds because of the colour pallet and the opportunities to get creative and build things. 
- the warner brothers logo is in the bottom corner so people are aware its based around something that warner bros have released, this is helping to draw the attention of anyone who knows warner bros as a company and knows how good they are at creating films and games that are suitable for all genders and ages. 
- this game can appeal to both boys and girls, the creators have added strong female and male characters and haven't given anyone any gender stereotypical roles.  they are very inclusive for everyone keeping the colour palette very non-binary as well. therefore this game doesn't feel directed at anyone specific. 
- throughout this game, creativity and individuality is highly supported and valued as important. none of the characters in the poster look the same, they all have different styles and personalities. this helps give younger audiences the idea that its okay to be different and have your own style and personality. children need to be taught that creativity and individuality so that they're aware that theres nothing better than just being you. 

Thursday 24th November        The Lego Movie Poster Campaign 

LO - to analyse the representations on the poster campaign 

One way that the lego movie theatrical poster is constructed to appeal to the target audience of adults/parents is by having the tagline "The story of a nobody who saved everybody" is going to make parents bring their children to see the film because its a good moral for younger audiences to learn. 

On another note, a way that the lego movie theatrical poster is constructed to appeal to the target audience of teens is by adding in characters that the teens can relate too or recognise from other shows or films such as; Batman, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman. All three of these Superheros will be noticed in the foreground and middle ground of the poster and can  tempt teens into wanting to watch it to see their favourite characters. They could also relate to  wyldstyle due to her style being  very similar to a typical '2014 emo' style which would've been really popular at the time of the release of this film. (February 2014) 

One more way that the lego movie theatrical poster is constructed to appeal to the target audience of children is all the bright colours and exciting looking characters that are made from lego, its very likely that children who own lego will want to go watch a film based on a toy that they play with, therefore will ask a parent to take them to see it. 

One way that The Lego Movie theatrical poster is constructed to appeal to the target audience of children is the use of fun and bright colours in the poster, children are often attracted to bright colours as they connotate happiness and fun. This being said, most children will want to watch something full of colours and exciting themes.  

INITIAL RESEARCH: excellent notes THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood VIDEO GAME Q: good solid answer GAME COVER ANALYSIS: WWW: you identified many different elements and explained their appeal EBI: you used the terms CONNOTES/CONNOTATIONS POSTER ANALYSIS [10]: excellent! WWW:you've correctly explained three elements and their appeal EBI: try not to write that the colour palette would appeal because it is bright! Explain WHY!

Thursday 8th December 2022      The Lego Movie Representation

LO - to analyse the representations throughout The Lego Movie promotional campaign. 

Creating a new teen drama for Netflix 

lena - thai, kind and incredibly smart, popular female. 15
Adam - half blind, divorced parents (home problems), has an addictive personality disorder and depression, white male. 16
Sean - asian, introverted, bisexual, male, has social anxiety. 15
Elijah - african trans male, extroverted, favours Sean, struggled with SA. 16 
May - ADHD, white female, tomboy aesthetic, fells pressured because she's a slower learner than the rest of her friends. 

1.The pink dye in her hair and the makeup on her face supports stereotypical representations of gender. 

2. She has an aggressive looking face in a black leather outfit and is a strong fighting character who breaks her stereotype by starring in the action. 

3. Her role helps bring a wider audience because she is a female who is breaking gender stereotypes and playing one of the main characters in an action adventure film. this is going to encourage young girls to want to be independent and not fit into the female stereotype like her. 


In The Lego Movie Poster Campaign age and age differences is represented by portraying Vitruvius as a man with light grey hair and wrinkles, this helps us to recognise that he is much older than most of the other characters featured in the film. Another way The Lego Movie Poster Campaign represents age and age differences is by portraying lord business with wrinkles but brown hair instead of grey, this helps us identify him as middle-aged. Where as you can tell that by looking at Emmet and Wyldstyle they are meant to be portrayed as much younger due to Wyldstyle's fashion aesthetic being '2014 emo' to match the teens at that time. and Emmets personality that projects a younger, millennial theme. 

Thursday 5th January 2023     Put it all together 

The film industry in the UK is regulated by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC).

The UK communications industries is regulated by Ofcom.

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is the UK's independent advertising regulator. 

The UK's newspapers and magazines are regulated by IPSO. 

The Games Rating Authority (GRA) rates games using the PEGI system.


Thursday 19th January 2022                        DIRT 

LO - to review and reflect on the unit assessment and set personal targets 

Question 6 

which company produced and distributed the lego movie? 
Warner Brothers 

for question 6 i need to revise the producers and makers of The Lego Movie and The Lego Movie video game. 

Question 7 

vertical integration is a common form of ownership in the in the media industry. Explain TWO benefits of this type of ownership for media companies 

i need to revise vertical and horisontal integration 

Question 8

Explain how The Lego Movie promotional campaign targeted a range of audiences

i should have revised the Lego Movie ad break a bit more considering i forgot the add. 

Question 9 

Analyse representations of gender in The Lego Movie poster campaign 

make sure to read the question properly 

Re-write of Question 9 

In The Lego Movie poster campaign, Wyldstyle challenges gender stereotypes. she is a woman who gets involved within the action and danger. She dresses herself in a black hoodie and joggers to match, this isn't a very feminine style or personality that we are used to seeing in female characters and therefore gives off a tomboy  and '2014 emo' aesthetic. Wyldstyle is a main character in this film who has been created as a role model for young girls who may choose to watch the lego movie. 

Another representation of the creators challenging gender stereotypes throughout The Lego Movie was the way Emmet is portrayed as a scared and not in a typical masculine light. He is the main character but throughout the film it becomes blatantly obvious that Wyldstyle was more in control of each situation. He is kind and loveable yet confused by anything the master builders say, this is far from how a  stereotypical male hero would be portrayed (usually as strong and fearless) . 

Tuesday 5th December 2023                                   PPE Revision 

1. Film is regulated by the BBFC 
2. TV and Radio is regulated by OFCOM
3. Advertising is regulated by the ASA 
4. Magazines and newspapers are regulated by the IPSO / impress 
5. Video games are regulated by the Video standards council

Lego Movie Audience 
- young kids who play with Lego 
- parents of those kids who may have used to play with lego
- young cinema goers (15-25) 
- family 

- Personal identity - relating to or identifying with the characters (lego movie has a wide range of characters with different personalities to suit everyone) 
- Information - Learning new things, gaining information 
- Entertainment - something enjoyable that will catch the audiences eye and make them want to watch it (the lego movie is an action comedy with plenty of plot twists so the audience is never bored) 
- Social interaction - sharing information about the media source with others, engaging in conversations about it or doing activities that relate to it. (the lego movie video game can be played with friends as a form of social interaction) 

Film Poster 
action packed poster, lots of colours, explosion, most of the characters featured on the poster, city location (more things to destroy, more danger), iconography 

intertextuality- batman, superman, wonder woman

Character posters 
- stereotypes of older people being serious and angry 
- stereotype that all females have to wear makeup and wear feminine colours
- stereotyping that younger people are happy and energetic and older people are not. 

Videogame trailer  
plenty of different characters to identify with or play as
Shows plenty of different game genres all in one game to show that theres something for everyone. 

Ad Break 
- the British heart foundation 
- BT
- Premier inn 
- Lego Movie Advert 
- Main character stings in between each advert 


1. BBFc
3. Advertising - ASA 
4. Magazine and newspapers - IPSO & IMPRESS
5. Video games - Video standards council

Who are the target audience? 
family audience. Parents who may have played with lego as kids. Kids who play with lego now, and young cinema goers (15-25 years) 

P - Personal identity 
I - Information 
E - Entertainment 
S - Social interaction 

1.  Print Poster - colour, media language, intertextuality, text, font type, layout.
2. Moving Image -  Mise-en-scene, sound, editing, camera angles. 

The lego movie trailer uses mise-en-scene to show gender stereotypes, this is shown by what emmet is wearing in the trailer. His builders uniform is very stereotypical for a male since being a builder is a very male dominated job. Another example of the lego movie enforcing gender stereotypes is in the mise-en-scene of Wyldstyle who, even though her appearance is less feminine than one would expect, is still presented wearing makeup and her main accent colours of her outfit are pink which is stereotypically a feminine colour.  

The TV marketing campaign consisted of a series of adverts played on ITV on a sundaty night in 2014 in between dancing on ice that was made entirely from lego. 


  1. INITIAL RESEARCH: excellent notes

    THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes

    MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood

    VIDEO GAME Q: good solid answer

    WWW: you identified many different elements and explained their appeal
    EBI: you used the terms CONNOTES/CONNOTATIONS

    POSTER ANALYSIS [10]: excellent!
    WWW:you've correctly explained three elements and their appeal
    EBI: try not to write that the colour palette would appeal because it is bright! Explain WHY!


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