Music magazines ♡

 Monday 27th March 2023                                      Music Genres 

LO - to identify and explain different music genres. 

genre = type 

different music genres: 



punk rock

rock and roll



drum and base 


pop rock

1. country genre, you can tell this because he's wearing a cowboy had and jeans with a western style belt.

2. rock genre, this is represented by the leathery jackets and dark coloured outfits, the long hair is also a common feature for artists in a rock band. 

3. pop genre, this is obvious because the band members are much younger and pretty stylish, they look very typically relatable for young girls so their styles may match with things such as bright coloured clothes. 

Rock music 

1. the stars dress usually in leathery outfits with dark makeup and long hair. rock music is often very loud and full of energy, plenty of electric guitars and drum sets. Often topics such as drugs or violence are what the band sings about.

Pop music 

Pop artists are often dressed in plenty of colourful outfits with lots of accessories, their song genre tends to have lyrics about relationships. 

Rap/hip-hop music  

Artists that create rap/hiphop songs are often in plenty of tattoos and tend to stick to angry or sad facial expressions. Rap music often has themes of anger or rage. 

The target audience for rap music is 20-24 year olds. 

The source is an american magazine that focuses on hiphop and rap music. 

Eminem - Shake That (Official Music Video) ft. Nate Dogg

lil peep - star shopping (prod. kryptik) - YouTube

Monday 22nd May 2023

- lots of bright colours.

- bold fonts. 

- mainly uses midshots. 

- pull quotes gathered around the bottom. 

- Mise-en-scene: bright makeup on the models.

- main image centred and surrounded by pull quotes.

- colour scheme is black/white/red.

- mainly uses midshots.

- Mise-en-scene: models all have dark coloured makeup, hair and outfits.

- blocky fonts for masthead. 

- plenty of smaller images of band logos scattered in between the pull quotes.

- colour pallet is used differently on each one, often to match the mise-en-scene of the model. 

- all male, dressed in black and white (splashes of colour sometimes) with gold accessories such as chains or other necklaces. 

- big blocky font.  

Genre and Target audience 

LO - to identify target audience for a variety of music magazine genres and link to genre code. 

Age, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, genre of interest

Demographics look at the factual data of a person : age, gender, marital status and income 

Psychographics look at the lifestyles, behaviours and attitudes of the person : personality, values interests. 

- this magazine cover appeals to the target audience of mostly males aged 15-24 by using a midshot of an artist looking angry or full of energy. they use big blocky fonts with energetic pull quotes to excite the reader and draw them into reading more. The artist featured in the centre could relate to the target audience with how he is positioned and how the pose resembles his mood or love for this genre of music. The colour scheme is black,white and as an accent colour, red. 

Monday 12th June 2023 

27/3- Music Magazine: your magazine page needs to be visible and T1: In your research try to add more information about the representations of artists and their dress, appearance, accents, language, behaviour.

the typography is serif/script. its been used for the title of this music magazine to help give off a classical theme to the magazine and  also reinforces a traditional element of the music.

 the light and neutral colours appeal to an older generation who values classical music.  this also appeals to those who make, write and read music due to the prop used in the midshot image of Nicola Benedetti on the front cover. 

This magazine cover is complete with a medium longshot of harry styles in the centre with plenty of catchy pull lines surrounding him in bright colours, these bring happy colours can be associated with a happy or excited mood. from this we could assume that this is aimed at a younger audience.
 the typography is a sans serif font, this is easy to read and really stands out in the bright colours used throughout the front cover. 

Monday 26th June 2023                                 DIRT

LO - to review and reflect on the end of year exam and set personal targets. 

film = BBFC 

Tv and Radio = ofcom 

advertising = ASA 

Magazines and newspapers = IPSO and impress 

Video Games = Video standards council 


Media language -  mise-en-scene, editing, camera work, sound 

- the camerawork used in sk8er boi are more realistic to a music video whereas the camera angles in teenage dirtbag are designed to tell a story or narrative. 

- extreme close ups in sk8er boi to show emotions she's feeling 

- long shots in teenage dirtbag to help narrate the storyline 

Producers of PSB radio programmes target different audiences because of their remit. they are funded for by a TV licence. 

Songs that are from different decades to attract a wider audience.

news that appeals to people in the local area.

competitions- local, national. 

Radio programmes target different audiences in varied ways to earn money. commercial radio stations need to attract a large audience so that advertisers pay to have their ads heard on commercial radio stations. PSB radio stations play songs from different decades to attract a wider audience while keeping inside their remit so that they are attracting their target audience and are still funded by the TV licence. 

- cross promotion (they help to promote each other) 

- earns twice the amount of money for the company 

- attracts a wider audience 

Uses and Gratifications 

- Personal identity 

- Information 

- Entertainment 

- Social interaction 

In The Lego Movie, personal identity is displayed with the large amount of characters that viewers may feel they identify with or relate to. There is someone for everyone to relate to since there is such a wide range of characters. Emmet is follower who becomes important, wyldstyle is a strong and independent female. 

 Monday 10th June 2023           MOJO Magazine 

- Genre = classic rock 
- publisher =  Bauer Media Group 
-  target audience  = 25-45 year olds 
- circulation  = niche audience 
- brand  = well known, popular, good quality music magazine 

MOJO Audience 
LO- to explore and define the magazines target audience 

- Luxury brands of magazines are the most successful.                         Huge online competition to keep up with. 

- Luxury magazines use high quality photography and printing on glossy paper.                                                                                        They use sophisticated language and an authoritative brand image to attract advertising. 

- MOJO has some of these luxury aspects but use cheaper alternatives that are still good quality.                                                This makes the magazine cheaper so that more people buy it. 


- established and emerging musicians 

- Each month you get a cover feature, a bespoke CD, and a review section which is 30 pages of the best of that months music. 

- MOJO is for those who are truly obsessed with music readers are passionate about high brand values and integrity. love classic and modern rock. prefers quality over popularity. 


- rock 

- indie rock 

- weekly magazines target the working class 

- monthly magazines are targeted at the middle class 

- usually women are more likely to read magazines than men 

- magazines aimed at men usually have lower circulations 

MOJO had in 2016 - 2017 a fairly small circulation of about 68,000 and a readership of about 138,000. it's audience is more niche than those for Take a Break or Cosmopolitan which each have readerships of well over 1 million. 

- listening to music online (spotify, Amazon music) uses a CD player and CDs or vinyls. 

- loves  going to live music gigs 

- middle class well paid job, family man

- outgoing, loves to talk and socialise 

- listens to music most of the time, travelling to and from work, while doing chores round the house and in his free time ( CD player or online)

- loves Mojo because the music and bands they promote really relate to him and the genres he's interested in. 

 MOJO uses and Gratifications 

Personal identity - reflects audiences passion for music.

Information - new info about artists who the target audience have an interest in. 

Entertainment - music, reviews, CDs, interviews. 

Social Interaction - talk about the music or magazine with mates, family or co-workers. 

1. reading a magazine is more interactive, you get to choose what you read and when you read it. 

2. you can choose which magazine you buy based on the genre you're interested in , this is an active process. 

3. the target audience for MOJO is 20-45 year olds so probably would not appeal to a teenager. 

Year 11 

Tuesday 5th September 2023 

The target audience are a mix of both females and males. This is presented by using neutral colours such as black, white and yellow on the front cover. The font is a blocky font, neither masculine nor feminine, this helps to give off a neutral theme and attract both male and female audiences. 

the target audience are well educated and cultured people who enjoy classical music. This is shown by the woman holding a violin, this instrument needs practice and skill to learn which would be something someone with musical culture (particularly classical) may choose to play. This will make this audience choose this magazine. 

This magazine is targeted at people with music tastes from different decades. this is presented with a close up of madonna on the front cover as she has been so popular from the 80s all the way through to 00s. 

Personal identity - gothic (people could relate), rebellious to religion, uniform outfit maybe to symbolise rebellion from society and the schooling system (makes her seem younger and more apparent) 


LO- to explore the appeal of MOJO magazine to its target audience 

   Music magazine audiences are active 
- you can choose to buy a music magazine
- you can choose what you want to read/reread

Uses and gratifications 

Personal identity 
Social interaction 

information - plenty of writing explained with pictures. Its set out clearly with bigger titles with few colours and neat fonts that would stand out and make it easier to read so its easy to look through the information and find what you want. 

Entertainment - plenty of colours and cover lines to look at and get interested in. Free CD included for extra entertainment. Midshot of famous artist that will draw in fans who know him and are entertained by him. 

Reviews of albums can start debates and social interactions with others who have different or similar opinions as the reader. discussions about the different topics occur if people both enjoy the same type of magazine and allow conversations or debates to take place.  

Tuesday 12th September 2023               Music Industry Q1 & Q2

The front cover of this magazine has a medium long shot of an artist who has come back into the spotlight after one of her songs was used in a new season to a well known series. This artist could have been chosen for the cover of the magazine as well as having her name in bold on the front to stand out so it attracts two separate target audiences, both music lovers and fans of the series. this is an example of the magazine creators using media uses and gratifications. Personal identity relates to the medium long shot cover photo of Kate Bush (this means that their target audience might identify with or relate to this artist so will choose the magazine), information is presented about the artist on the coverlines spread on the edges of the page.  (fans will often enjoy learning information about  the artist through something easy to navigate such as a magazine), the front cover states at the top above the masthead "2 gifts inside" , this is a good example of an entertainment opportunity which can draw the target audience in for surprise gifts. Finally social interaction can occur through fans of the artist on the cover, this gives the magazine more popularity and allows the target audience to converse about Kate Bush.

LO - to understand exam style questions and practice exam technique. 

  1. Ofcom 
  2. The BBC 
  3. Radio made to serve the public (for the benefit of the public)
  4. convergence
  5. diversification 
  6. conglomerate 
Question 2

One way that music radio stations can meet the requirements of PSB is by using live music like the BBC do in the radio 1 live lounge. This is an example of them using stormzy as entertainment to draw in the target audience of 15-29 year-olds.  

One way that the music videos Teenage Dirtbag and Sk8er boi create different representations from one another is the gender stereotypes. In Teenage Dirtbag, stereotypes are used throughout. The girl is seen as a prize, she dresses femininely and wears light makeup to add to her style. where as in Sk8er Boi the female breaks gender stereotypes by wearing dark coloured less feminine clothes.

Tuesday 19th September 2023 

Do now: every form of media is made and viewed for one of the four uses and gratifications. These Uses and gratifications are personal identity, information, entertainment and social interaction. 
- This magazine cover shows the uses and gratifications off making it appeal to an audience. 
- personal identity is presented with the cover photo of an artist whom people may relate to or connect with as a role model. 
-information is shown on the pull quotes and cover lines about different artists around the main photo. This pulls fans of different artists in as well. 
- Entertainment is presented with the CD included in the magazine, this could include new music that the reader has not heard or songs that they already enjoy. 
- social interaction is used when readers talk to friends about the reviews or the CD or even music thats been recommended by the magazine. 

Question 2 

LO - to understand exam style questions and practice exam technique. 

Q2                                                                                     4/4 marks 
MOJO magazine uses the free CD included with each copy to attract their audiences. since the CD is free and its a source of entertainment, people are more likely to pick the magazine up. 

Another Thing MOJO magazine uses to attract their audiences is using mid shots or  close up shots of popular, well liked and easily recognisable artists to match their target audience so readers are more attracted towards the magazine. 

Music videos 

Teenage Dirtbag has a very stereotypical linear narrative of boy meets girl and falls in love. The representation of the characters and the American high school are also very stereotypical. The girl is pretty and feminine and her boyfriend, the popular boy, is a "bully" and "jock".  The lighting is natural but inside quite dim. 

Sk8er Boi challenges stereotypes in many ways. The narrative is more of a performance in a big city in America. The main character dresses in dark coloured baggy clothes with dark makeup to make her seem less feminine and maybe even rebellious. The representation of characters is mostly white and mostly male, she is the female in charge of her group of male friends. she is represented as gothic and punk. The lighting is very oversaturated with lots of bright exaggerated colours. Many characters are seen committing criminal damage (graffiti and smashing cars) 

 Media Language
-mise en scene 

The music videos teenage dirtbag and Sk8er boi differ widely due to multiple different forms of media language. Sk8er boi is filmed very different to Teenage dirtbag, it is filmed as if its a performance from a narrative POV with low angles to make Avril seem more powerful and to make sure everyone knows that she is in control. Teenage dirtbag on the other hand is filmed with a very story like narrative and wider camera angles to catch the whole shot instead of just separate parts of shots. The Two music videos are also edited very differently, Teenage dirtbag is edited like a movie so the scenes last more than a few seconds to create the story narrative where as Sk8er boi has clusters of clips fitted together so scenes fly by very quickly. 

Tuesday 26th September 2023                        Music Industry Q3

Do now 
1. ofcom 
2. BBC 
3. media that benefits the public 
4. convergence 
5. diversification 
6. conglomerate 

LO - to explore exam style questions and practice exam techniques. 

The BBC provide a wide range of content on Radio 1 including live music, conversation/speech and more interactive features for their target audience of 15 - 29 year olds. The BBC Radio 1 live lounge includes live music from young emerging artists from the UK and also include speech to which the listeners can relate. They do this because in order to keep their funding from a TV licence they need to meet their remit. Commercial radio stations like heart use adverts to make money as this keeps them from having to be shut down but the BBC are a public service radio station so do not run adverts, instead they attract their target audiences by using the requirements of their remit. An example of these requirements is  playing new songs and using slang such as "big-up" or "sick" when they talk about performances to fit to and attract their target audience. 


Tuesday 3rd October 2023 
Do now
1. Media Language - mise en scene, camerawork, editing, sound, narrative, lexis, colour pallet. 
2. Industry - media industries, businesses, companies. the organisation and ownership of the media. 
3. Audience - those who consume the media text. the target audience of the media form and how they attract them. 
4. Representation - presenting different genders, races, ages and sexualities in media forms to attract all audiences. stereotypes. 
5. Context - the situation or what is going on at the time. 

Teenage dirtbag 
- US high school stereotype (bully jocks, feminine pretty popular girl, "loser" all alone 'weird') 
 - editing (fade intro) 
- close up on losers bike being knocked over by bully 
- midshots of loser being shoved and pushed 
- close up of loser being pushed on the floor 
- all different shots of the band 

- jocks are presented as bullies, especially bullying the loser. they're popular, confident and respected. seems in charge. typical sporty, tall look.

- loser is wearing lots of layered clothes with lots of different colours that don't quite go together. always alone, no friends, gets pushed and shoved, zoomed out camera angle of him eating lunch alone, people laugh at him and make fun of him. 

- popular girl - camera angles at her smiling, she looks sweet and kind (could be to present the losers opinion of her) , shes always smiling/happy and always looks pretty. slow motion shots of her to emphasise her importance.  

Sk8er Boi 
- set in a busy city in the US 
- mainly white teenage characters 
- rebellious/reckless or illegal theme (graffiti) 
- committing acts of vandalism, illegal activities, breaking the law 
- Avril (main character) who is female surrounded by males (respected by them)
- low angle shots of her to make her look powerful 
- all shots of her so its obvious she''s the focus of the video 

Explain how and why music videos create representations that are different from one another. refer to one example of contrasting representations in two music videos you have studied to support your answer. 

teenage dirtbags characters are very stereotypical throughout the whole music video. The main character is presented as a loser or outcast, this is shown by the zoomed out shots of him sitting alone at lunch and the multiple shots of him being pushed and shoved around in the hallways. The love interest is a popular girl who's got a very feminine aesthetic, she's presented as kind and sweet, this could just be the losers image of her as its obvious he likes her. 

in comparison, sk8er boi has a very anti stereotypical theme throughout. Avril Lavigne is the main character and although she's a female, she doesn't dress femininely. instead she dresses in baggy clothes with dark makeup. she can also be seen throughout the music video committing acts of vandalism and other illegal activities, this presents a rebellious theme that isn't shown in Teenage dirtbag. These are two examples of ways teenagers can be represented in media. 

In Teenage dirtbag The jocks are tall, sporty bullies who seem to be fully in control of everything going on in the stereotypical american high school setting. its clear that they make the rules and are respected because of how feared they are. This is a very stereotypical viewpoint of teenage jocks in america. 

In contrast to this, Avril is surrounded by boys in sk8er boi, unlike in teenage dirtbag she is a female in control and is respected by the boys around her instead of being sexualised or seen like a prize.  

Tuesday 10th October 2023
Do now 
1. mise en scene - the use of costume, props, set design and makeup.
2. editing - how a picture or video is put together/edited to create an effect, usually for narrative purposes. (fast pace, slow motion)
3. camera work - is the use of angles, movement and shot types to create a narrative. 
4. sound - how different noises help to create a story. diegetic and non-diegetic. 
5. narrative - when a story is told through a moving image/video. Often through a performance. 

Non-Diegetic - the audience can hear it but the characters in the video cant. (background music, narrator voice)
 Diegetic - sounds that the characters can also hear. (dialogue) 

LO - to explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for Q4 focusing on media language and representation. 

Representation of the musician - How are they shown or presented?

the representations in the mojo magazine cover are that of a classical theme, the colours used are black and white with touches of red and yellow. The cover photo is a midshot of a rock star, also in black and white to keep the minimalistic and mysterious theme. The cover connotes seriousness and unhappiness with the use of colour scheme and mise en scene with facial expressions for the model. The classic and serious theme along with the 2 artists who are in early or middle adulthood will attract intelligent fans of the artist, music genre or magazine.

The magazine cover is a cover photo of a middle aged man who looks very stern and serious. This is how age is represented in the Magazine, the colour scheme is black and white, this causes a shadowy affect that represents mystery or a classical theme/genre. the coverlines feature older artists names such as elton john and Queen who were both popular in the 1970s. This is another representation of how mojo magazine has added features to attract an older target audience.  

Tuesday 7th November 2023 

Do Now 
1. babyboomer - a person who was born in the years following WW2, when there was an increase in the birth rate 
2. diversification - when a company has varying products 
3. audience address - how the text speaks to and influences the audience 
4. discerning - having or showing good judgement 
5. house style - a companies preferred style or layout 

LO - to explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for Q5 focusing on media language and representation. 

 Q5 - 15 marks = 15 mins 
 How far do you agree (opinion) and why? 
life at the time
Changes in gender roles - more equality 
Attitudes to sexuality - improved attitudes (celebrates LGBTQ) 
celebrity culture 

- medium long shot 
- David Bowie 
- pastel colour pallet (pink, purple, black and white) 
- Fleetwood mac, the Beatles 
- White masthead in a sans serif font, bold, uppercase, shadow 
- coverlines in black and white with sans serif font, all uppercase and bold. Main coverline has black, white and pink and introduces Bowie. 
puff - pink and white theme 
- free CD 
- text down the sides of the cover in coulombs

 Mojo magazine uses a medium long shot type in the cover to introduce Bowie in his outfit. his facial expressions look angry as if hes shouting at someone. this could be to symbolise him as a person or maybe to fit with his work. The colour pallet is pastel yet bright, this suggests excitement is waiting on the inside of the magazine. this could also suggest that Bowie himself is not scared of breaking gender boundaries and shows a more progressive idea that boys cant wear pink because its "too feminine". 

This magazines colour scheme is very different to the Bowie cover with a background this time. the colours are much more dull than the pastels in the Mojo cover. The cover photo has been taken from a low angle as a long shot. this suggests that the man in the picture is quite serious or powerful. Adding to this, he's dressed in smart clothes with a stern facial expression to match. He seems to look much more natural than how Bowie looked in the Mojo magazine. 
Tuesday 14th November 2023
Do now 
1. BBC 
2. tv licence 
3. ofcom 
4. public service broadcasting radio is for the benefit of the public
5. PSB radio and commercial radio 

LO - to research the case study and annotate in detail the examples from the case study. 

Artist - Olivia Dean 

Songs - original & cover 
cover is = Beyonce - Cuff it 
Olivia's song - Dive 

Guest info
been on the live lounge before with rudimental. First time performing on the live lounge alone.  listeners like her. 

Quotes from the show 
"Smashed that to bits"
"big up the band"
"not my first rodeo" 

Appeal to target audience 
(15-29 years) Olivia is in her 20s which appeals to a target audience of people in their teens to 20s. talented. Attracts a wide audience since her cover song is  a Beyonce song, Beyonce is well known. 

Inform entertain and educate 
Introduces a new emerging artist to the scene, someone who people may not already know. The audience is entertained by Olivia, they all seem to love her and think she's very talented.  

Innovative and cutting edge new UK music
Olivia is a new artist from the uk, she's in her mid 20s.  
The Live Lounge is supporting Uk artists, playing a UK bands new release in between Olivia's original song and cover of Beyonce's song. 

Appeals to 15-29 year olds 
Entertainment (live music, New UK artists) is how it appeals to this age group
Audiences that enjoy live music, mostly pop genre 
Radio 1 also have young presenters that appeal to the target audience by using slang terms to identify with the listeners. 
Commercial radio's main goal is to earn money, not to attract a specific target audience. 
commercial radio audiences are anyone who will listen to it, this is a wider range of audiences 
commercial radio stations use all different types and genres of music to attract as many listeners as possible. 

Tuesday 21st November 2023                        Music industry Q5
Do now 
1. Genre conventions point to the common use of tropes, characters, settings or themes in a particular type of medium. Genre conventions are closely linked with audience expectations. 
2. Intertextuality refers to one text referencing, quoting, or alluding to another text.
3. Typography is the differences between different styles of text that create distinct appearances.
4. A connotation is a commonly understood cultural or emotional association that any given word or phrase carries, in addition to its explicit or literal meaning, which is its denotation.
5. Lexis is the use of text/words in media (usually magazines) 
6. in covers of magazines you might see articles to do with the time of year (christmas, pride month, summer holidays), also relates to whats going on in the world at the time such as elections, wars, celeb gossip etc 

LO - to explore the exam style question for music magazine and music video.

 Media language - text, images, cover lines, colour, layout. 

1. close midshot, single person, female, young.
2. revealing clothes/ lack of clothes, long black gloves, headdress with vail, lots of gold entangled into the black, presenting her like a goddess or royalty. 
3. saturated warm colour pallet (gold brown, black, yellow, white), presented like pop royalty. 
4. layout is ordered, lexis is split around her face in the form of 4 cover lines, a pull quote and the masthead. all of these are in a sans serif font, these look modern and clean. masthead is all lowercase, usually names have a capital letter, like they're rebelling from correct english. this presents a more informal and relaxed theme. 

 1. 11 images, main cover is a band (the Beatles) , old group, males, suits, formal, not too serious and not sexualised, low angle, looking up shows power and importance 
2. saturated, bright colours to match the 60s where the Beatles grew in fame. 
3. lots of coverlines, chaotically organised

Media language is represented differently in both music magazines, the billboard magazine  shows as a simple saturated colour scheme. The use of gold, yellow, black and white. these colours reveal a positive mood, the use of the gold makes the main image appear like she is royalty, the use of the headdress further emphasises this and shows her as a goddess. The colour scheme chosen gives off a mature theme to the magazine, making it appeal to mature audiences. It also helps the magazine to look professional and clean. 

In contrast, the MOJO magazine is chaotically laid out with plenty of cover lines to catch the readers attention and a saturated colour scheme to match. The colours represent the 60s which is when the Beatles came into the spotlight and gained all their fame. The colours reflect their band genre as fun and exciting, this is emphasised all over the cover with the colourful coverlines and the outfits that the people in the main image are wearing. 

billboard also has a midshot of one female on the cover in very few clothes, this is an example of the media over sexualising the female gender to attract an audience, typically male. 

 The MOJO magazine is more likely to attract an older audience due to the Beatles being a more classic band specifically in older male music lovers, along with the Beatles making a more indie rock genre of music. 

Shakira on the other hand is presented as the "queen of pop" in the cover of billboard, this is going to attract a completely different target audience to the magazine. Most likely a female audience, who are in their early adulthood and grew up with Shakira songs or enjoy pop music. 

In conclusion the media language in both magazines differs greatly depending on different layouts, target audiences and celebrities featured. 

21/11- You have some good key media language points addressed. T: 2. You need to explain further exactly what each element shows/reveals about the magazine, representation, content, or image. Focus on the Media language analysis.
Tuesday 28th November 2023 

Media language is used differently in the two magazine covers, because of the generic conventions of the magazines and audience appeal. The masthead of the two magazines are clearly completely different. bill board uses lowercase letters, yellow, sans serif type. The use of lowercase letters gives a sense of informality and rebellion as it refuses to use a capital letter for the name of the magazine. The use of the yellow gives off a happy and positive mood to the cover. The use of the sans serif font gives a modern and clean informal feel to the cover and magazine. 


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