Lights camera action ♡


 lights, camera, action!   Monday 20th sep 2020

LO: to explore the narrative structure of a film

Disney movie anagrams

1 Tangled
2 The little mermaid 
3 Beauty and the beast
4 Pocahontas
5 Snow white and the seven dwarfs
6 Cinderella 
7 Aladdin 
8 Tarzan
9 The hunchback of Notre dame
10 The lion king 

Beauty and the beast - live action
originally based on a book written by Jeanne-marie Leprince de beaumont in the 1750s later on it was discovered and turned into a beloved disney movie 
director- Bill Condon 
screen writer- Linda Woolverton 
producer- David Hobeman/Todd Lieberman
production companies- Walt Disney Pictures Mandeville Films
distribution company- walt disney studios motion pictures 

at the beginning, belle is a sweet girl who lives with her father in a small town in France 


recognition of disruption
attempt to solve disruption 
new equilibrium 

character case study
protagonist - belle 
antagonist - gaston 

    theres 2 main characters, belle and the beast, gaston, belles father, house staff

the hero - belle - generally leads the narrative 
the villain - gaston - struggles against the hero 
the donar - enchantress -gives the hero something special 
the helper - supports sidekick
the princess - belle - 
the dispatcher -
the father - belles father 
the false hero - gaston 

18 . 10 . 2021                                          genre & narrative 

protagonist - the main character / hero

antagonist - villain

sidekick - helps the hero / main character

equilibrium meaning - original setting/ place before a problem is introduced

genre - the term for any category of literature or entertainment, based on a set of common conventions

science fiction - new technology, the future, time travel, space travel, space ships - star trek 

horror - scare the audience, frightening, jump scares, death - the shining 

action - thrilling, exciting, stunts - mission impossible 

movie name  : screams in my dreams 

equilibrium - main character babysitting child in child's house while parents are out for date night, main character cutting up apple with a large, sharp knife in the kitchen.  ( time around 19:00pm)

disruption -  child runs into kitchen to give babysitter a hug, babysitter turns round and accidentally slits child's throat. 

22 . 11 . 2021                                                                    lesson 5 - setting and colour 

LO: to explore the use of setting and colour in films 

settings - why might a director choose the following settings?

1. an isolated house in a rural setting for a horror film

because theres a creepy sense to being all alone where no one could hear you scream if you were in trouble, silence is usually scary as we are so used to being surrounded by people.  

2. a big city for an action film 

variation for more scenes, more obstacles in the way creating more danger and excitement.

3. a small seaside town for a romantic comedy

because being in a small town with the sea right by it creates a peaceful and romantic scene where the couple aren't going to be interrupted by a busy world.

4. a range of different countries for an action adventure film

so that the main character(s) have plenty of different destinations and locations to turn up in, this also keeps the viewer guessing where they're going to go next or whats going to happen next.

5. a large modern science laboratory for a science fiction film

crazy unnatural things can happen in  a science lab with people always trying out different experiments to make new things.

colour - why might a director choose the following colours? 

1. blue and red for a new superhero costume

previous superheroes like wonder woman, captain america & superman all use these colour aesthetics 

2. a black suit for a villain 

black is a mysterious/sinister colour as its really dark that would help people blend in with the shadows which would help a villain who's spying, sneaking around etc. black is also associated with night time and death 

3. bright colours for a comedy film 

bright colours will automatically lighten the mood and make you happier and this is a bonus for a comedy film as you'd already be laughing/joyful anyway 

1. in space & on earth 

2. because its and action / sci-fi movie with spaceships and aliens 

3. they go to earth, space, space ships etc

4. they fight villains in space?

5. the fact that they're in spaceships 

6. no, its all based around space, different planets, super villains etc

7. probably the earth but a different future dimension as theres very high-tech weapons and gadgets 


i am legend 

genre - action

narrative - plague occurs making him the only person left who's not infected, he needs to search for a cure 

characters - main character, pet dog 

a science fiction film set 1000 years in the future, the main characters are a team of scientists who are struggling to find a cure for a deadly virus that is threatening to wipe out their world. the virus has been developed and released by another scientist who used to work with them but was sacked when they discovered he was testing his discoveries on innocent people.

1.  the setting would be in a huge laboratory where it was unsafe to go outside as the air was barely breathable due to pollution.  

2. colour choices would probably be lots of mint green and white for their outfits and more white for their lab as white is seen as a very clean and sanitary colour and that would be extremely important in a lab 

3. lots of flashing lights and high-tech instruments that the scientists are using (this will make it look more like its set in the future) 

Monday 6th December 2021 


LO: to explore different styles of photography 


props - glasses

work on ambers blog 

Monday 17th January 2022 

sound in film 

LO: To explore the use of sound in films

describe the type of music that you'd expect to hear in the following genres of films
1. a horror film - an eerie, quiet/tense type of music + sudden noises(creaking/footsteps) + screaming 

2. an action film - fast paced, energetic music + cars(car chases/crashing) + explosions + gunshots 

3. a thriller - build up/suspenseful music + jump scares

4. a comedy - happy/bubbly music that puts you in a good mood + laughter 

5. a science fiction film - music that sounds futuristic, aliens + beeping

diegetic - sounds you would hear if you were in the scene e.g.  someone speaking, footsteps, music on a radio

non-diegetic - sounds that only the audience can hear e.g. narration, internal dialogue, music

the matrix trailer

diegetic - the characters talking, explosions, 

non-diegetic - the music, 


foley is the reproduction of everyday sounds for use in film making. these reproduced sounds can be anything from the swishing of clothing and footsteps to squeaky doors and breaking glass, this helps to create a sense of reality within a scene. without these crucial background noises, movies feel unnaturally quiet and uncomfortable. 

the present

diegetic sounds

shooting on video game

the boy talking

the mum walking around

the mum talking

the mum placing the box down on the table 

the dog barking

the boy kicking the dog away

the boy throwing a ball for the dog

the phone ringing

boy grabbing his crutches and getting off the sofa

the front door opening

1. yes

2. suspenseful

3. when it moves to a different scene or someone says something important


5. for some of the scenes yes, but others aren't as clear 

6. yes but very short moments 

7. some characters speak and sound very stern and serious when they do


9. yes 

10. yes, the sounds are probably enhanced to add to the scene and make it clearer of what is happening 


inside a spaceship laboratory, two scientists are trying to find out what a mysterious alien creature was by doing tests on it. they think it is dead 

Monday 31st January                                                Mise-en-scene 

LO: to explore the use of mise-en-scene in films 

1. home alone   

2.iron man



5.pirates of the caribbean 

  mise-en-scene is made up of 5 different areas  

    - settings and props 

     settings and locations play an important part in film-making and are not just 'backgrounds' .
     sets are either built from scratch or a great deal of time is spent to find a setting which already               exists. settings can manipulate an audience by building certain expectations and then taking a                 different turn.
    setting/props for a science fiction film - space/spaceship, new technology, laboratory
   settings/props for a romantic comedy  - flowers, romantic beaches, bedrooms, fairy lights 

    - costumes, hair and makeup

    costumes, hair and makeup act as an instant indicator to us of a character's personality, status and        job. it tells us immediately whether the film is set in the present and what society or culture it will           centre around. certain costumes can signify certain individuals.

kyra is swaggy <3

    - facial expressions and body language 

   facial expressions provide a clear indicator of how someone is feeling.if someone is smiling broadly       we assume that they are happy but we may get a different feeling if this is accompanied by scary            music.body language may also indicate how a character feels towards another character or may             affect the state of their relationship. 

    - lighting and colour  

   lighting and colour can be used to achieve a variety of effects
   to highlight important characters or objects within the frame, to make characters look mysterious by      shading sections of the face and body, to reflect a characters mental state/hidden emotions.
  there are two main types of lighting
  low key lighting - produces sharp contrasts of light and dark areas. deep, distinct shadows/silhouettes 
 high key lighting - lighting is natural and realistic to our eyes. produces brightly lit sets on a sunny   day. 

  - positioning of characters/objects within the frame (blocking)

   positioning within a frame can draw our attention to an important character or object. a film-maker      can use positioning to indicate relationships between people.

Lights! Camera! Action!                     Monday 14th February 2022

LO: to experiment with foley and sound affects 

the setting looks expensive and posh, the expensive looking foods on the table, the candles, the paintings on the walls. the man in the middle looks like a scruffy criminal who's been caught by the two serious looking guards probably serving someone important. thee man in the middle looks  serious/annoyed, while the two men at the sides of him look to be holding him there like he's a threat to society. the scruffy man is in the middle this would assume that he's a main character or very important to the story. 

Scene: huge clean laboratory in a space ship, mainly metal everything, technology everywhere.  the scientists are wearing white lab coats with slicked back hair, tied up if its long. blue/green and white lights with lots of light, no dark or shadowy area.

guess the sound
1. bowling 
2. toilet flushing
3. owl hooting 
4. pen clicking
5. glass/ceramic smashing
6. hair-dryer
7. chicken 
8. water running/ tap
9. clock ticking
10. ducks quaking 
11. cutting paper 

   shaun of the dead - video clip  

  • video game 
  • feet stepping
  • teeth brushing 
  • breathing/sighing 
  • talking 
  • spreading stuff on bread 
  • clothes rustling 
  • fridge door 
  • tap running

Monday 7th March 2022                         Disaster Movies 

               LO: to explore the disaster movie genre 

  • titanicis an epic, action-packed romance set on the R.M.S titanic She was the most luxurious liner of her era -- the "ship of dreams" -- which carried over 1,500 people to their death in the ice cold waters of the North Atlantic in the early hours of April 15, 1912.
  1. the two main characters consist of 1 male and 1 female 
  2. jack saves his 'true love' she isnt a blood relative but i'd still call it family as he would've married her if he had not died. 
  3. the disaster is when the ship sinks (an accident)
  4. rose survives, jack doesn't 
  5. they go on a boat from England to ice-burg, the original destination  was New York       
  • piranha - set on Spring break . when an underground tremor releases hundreds of prehistoric, carnivorous fish into Lake Victoria, a popular waterside resort, people are in danger. the local police officer Julie Forester must join forces with a band of unlikely strangers -- though they are badly outnumbered -- to destroy the ravenous creatures before everyone becomes fish food.

  1. the main character is a female
  2. she saves people but they're all strangers to her 
  3. its a horror natural disaster movie since its caused by a tremor and the fish are eating people 

  • world war z - When a former investigator ,Gerry Lane and his family get stuck in urban gridlock, he senses that it's no ordinary traffic jam. suddenly, the city erupts into chaos. A lethal virus spread through a single bite is turning healthy people into something vicious and feral. As the pandemic begins to take over humanity, Gerry leads a worldwide search to find the source of the infection and  a way to stop it spreading.
  1. the main character is a male 
  2. he has to save his family from the zombies 
  3. its a man made virus that caused this disaster 
  4. the humans win 
  5. they go around the world

     creative task

  1.  main character (eclipse) is female, alien who was seperated from her family at birth. now she wastes her life away by traveling the universe alone causing havoc everywhere she goes 
  2. she is tracked down by the galactic federation and is paid lots of money to blow up a planet that has a whole civilisation on it 
  3. the person the federation gave her to work with becomes her friend. her mum and dad and sister are also characters who nearly get blown up.
  4. the mum gets blown up as she cant be saved.
  5. the sister, who is a protector for the planet thats supposed to get blown up has to fight eclipse to save her planet however they don't know that they are related yet. 
  6. the parent dies, then the father uncovers the truth about eclipse being related to them. eclipse destroys the galactic federation as they knew what she'd be doing if she was killing her family. 
  7. eclipse and (most of) her family meet and they forgive her and try to help her become a better person and atone for her sins, eventually she helps rebuild the mess she created and make peace with her family before she leaves the planet to explore space again.
    possible titles 
  • the eclipse is coming
  • well that was a twist 
  • abandoning her fate 

Monday 4th April 2022                            Narrative theory 

LO: To effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie 

21/3- Great work here, T 2. More detail in Describing when and where your film is set
3. More detail on what is the overall mood of the film? How will you show this through costumes or settings?

setting- space, spaceships, planets full of different creatures (aliens), space prison-ish place 
costumes- everyone wearing sleek modern outfits (blue,white,dusty purple, browns) lots of leathery clothes.    eclipse wearing a scruffy old version of what everyone else is wearing 


equilibrium - everything in the film world is normal 
disruption - something happens to disrupt normal life
recognition of disruption - the protagonists realise that somethings wrong in their world/ they discover the disruption. 
attempt to solve - the main protagonist goes on a journey to solve the disruption 
new equilibrium - the disruption is solved and a new normality occurs 

equilibrium - in a space ship eclipse is zooming round from planet to planet causing issues all by herself 
disruption - she gets paid lots of money to blow up a planet with life forms on it, little does she know, her family live on that planet 
recognition of disruption - she realises her family are on the planet and has to disarm the bomb 
new equlibrium - the planet is safe and the family (minus the dead mum) is back together again 

                                          applying propp to my film 

the hero - scarlett 
the villain - the galactic federation leader (chistoye zlo)
the donor - her mum 
the helper - scarlett's sister (lunar) 
the princess - her family (mum, dad, sister) 
the dispatcher - the galactic federation 
the princess' father - lunar 
the false hero - lunar and the planets army 

Monday 16th May 2022                   script writing and storyboarding

LO: to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie 

movie blurb no1 :/

she thought she'd be dead by now,

she wasn't. 

instead Scarlett is minutes away from blowing up a rather populated planet for a large sum of money... not quite the way she expected to spend her birthday weekend. 

movie blurb no2 :(

competing in a race with time, Scarlett Fray struggles to stop a bomb thats been planted on a very populated planet from blowing up her missing family along with every other living being on the planet

movie blurb no3 :)

Scarlett fray () , a regular teen delinquent travelling space in an attempt to cause trouble must complete a mission to get let off loose when she finally gets caught by the galactic government. little does she know the government are brainwashing her into accomplishing a very dangerous and highly illegal task for them. lets just say that blowing up her home planet isn't the way Scarlett planned on spending her birthday weekend this year.... 

visual story telling 

- i'm hungry  = tummy rumbling, rubbing tummy, feeling sorry for them self , seeing food and wanting it

- i've lost the cat = saying "here kitty" searching everywhere for cat, shaking treat packets

- i'm so tired = yawning, eyes slowly closing then snapping back open, slouching, no energy 

- i'm late for school = waking up in a panic, rushing to get dressed, looking scruffy, grabbing a piece of bread or something, looking at clock "oh no!", running out of the house. 

- i'm annoyed with her = rolling eyes, sighing, acting mad, sarcastic voice while talking to them

beginning of movie - Tuesday 11th, Museum, Planet in the Galaxy, 01:00am 

Scarlett is on one of her best robbery planets trying to steal a valuable type of  acid for a weapon she's making to sell for a fair amount of money.  she's crawling through a cramped ventilation tunnel rather uncomfortably squished

"oh my god why did i decide on this outfit? its so inconvenient" she mumbled uncomfortably to herself

she's in a scruffy leather jacket and trousers with a white cropped shirt on, she's crawling through a vent so she can reach the acid room. the vent was very squished so it was exceedingly difficult to slip through

"ow it feels like this vent is getting smaller and smaller..''

she paused 

"this had better be worth it"

 once she's in the room she begins to cut the glass case to the acid she needs and the lights turn on to show galactic government guards surrounding her. 

"FREEZE!" a voice yells from the corner of the room


"chill i'm co-operating...for now" Scarlett spoke calmly.  she'd escaped from plenty of these attacks before, what made this time any different?

"well miss fray... looks like we meet again" she could recognise that breathy whisper-like voice anywhere.

"Zlo." she muttered under her breath 

the governments leader (Zlo) comes out from the shadows, handcuffs her and escorts her to a car that'll take her to the galactic federation prison. 

16/5- Good work today T: 3. use the format of the script from my blog and extend your script.

 6th June 2022                                                                  Industry

LO: to explore how a film is made and the various industry roles 

photoshop/video editing

props/ set design 

interviewing actors/casting


sound management 


director & producer 

camera/film crew

cinematographer - The Cinematographer works with the Director to achieve the overall visual aesthetic of a film, television show, music video, or other type of content. they're in charge of  the camera and lighting crew and are in charge of the lighting,colour, looks and framing for every shot in the film. 

casting directors - Casting Directors help Directors and Producers find the right Actors for their film, TV, and commercial productions. 

there are 3 stages of production

1. Pre-Production -  an essential stage of any film project. It includes all the brainstorming and planning that happens before cameras start rolling. From developing a concept, exploring the look of your film, storyboarding scenes and much more.
The Four Steps to Pre-Production Planning are,
  • Make sure the talent has enough notification for the production, and also a reminder
  • Know about the topic of the production. Take the time to research topic, and at least know a little background on the subject
  • Get an outline together
  • Take time to set up
2. Production 
3. Post-Production

2. Production - when shooting begins. During this short timeframe, additional crew will be hired—like a script supervisor to check for script continuity while filming, and a property master to acquire and oversee any of your film's props.

3. Post-production - is the editing of audio and visual materials to create a film. An editor assembles footage shot by shot, adds music (either original or licensed), and incorporates other visual and sound effects.

Film distribution - Film distribution is the process of making a movie available for viewing by an audience. This is normally the task of a professional film distributor. this may be expensive but this is how they get a movie noticed/popular.


advertisement- magazines, posters, ADs, clothes, merchandise,

marketing for harry potter 

  Monday 20th June                                 Movie Marketing

LO: to develop an effective film marketing strategy 

starter - list all the different methods you can think of to market (promote) a movie. 



posters (on a bus/in shops/fast food containers/train stations) 

online posts (on Instagram/snapchat/Facebook/twitter)

in newspapers 

celebrity interviews with actors who are in the movie on TV

Deadpool 2 - research task

researching all the different methods used to promote deadpool 2

- the original deadpool movie was very popular as people instantly adored deadpool as a loveable rouge in his own comedy/action film. using this information, it was easily discovered that people would pay plenty to watch a second movie with deadpool as their main character. 

- movie posters starring deadpool for the movie came out and showed off deadpool posing with the release date for the movie.

- there have been plenty of trailers for deadpool 2

- reviews from people who have been payed to watch and review deadpool 2 get all around the internet, this makes for pretty good promotion.

- the main actors have been in interviews to do with deadpool 2, Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin and Zazie Bee

tz are in most of the interviews. 

Film Posters 

1. film posters are usually found outside cinemas, at bus stops or on buses, or in shops/ fast food restaurants 

2. a distributor will try to put their posters for their film in places that the most people are going to see them as this will attract more people to go and see the movie.

3. on a film poster there should be, a film title, a release date, an image, actor names, director/producer names.

Disaster film posters

genre conventions: 

most of them are blue and black (small touches of red/orange) with chunky fonts that have added shapes or patterns to them. the images tend to include lightning or lots of clouds (usually grey clouds). there are depressing/sad taglines that dont have much context in nearly all of them, for instance, this is the begining of the end,never let go,there is no calm in the storm. The rock shows up in more than one disaster related movie 

The poster suggests that the disaster is a tornado storm (this may include multiple tornados) it includes 3 tornados in the front cover and the title is 'into the storm' this gives us the idea that its more than one tornado. The font is blocky and has a icy pattern on it, this suggests that its cold and windy. There are people dashing away to get to safety in the corner as there is a dangerous looking tornado coming straight towards them, this means that theres probably a group running and hiding to keep safe from this disaster. the whole poster is a dark bluey-grey colour with black near the top and bottom. Theres also what looks to be fire in the bottom left corner so that adds to the disaster element as the tornado could make the firer bigger or create a fire tornado to test the humans lives. At the bottom theres a hashtag 'IntoTheStorm' this hashtag could be used by people who have watched the movie and are posting about it online, this is an amazing way to promote the movie. 

Homework  20/06/2022

Deadpool revealed that he actually shaped the character in a more significant way than expected. "It was during a writers' strike, so all my dialogue in that movie I wrote," Reynolds told GQ. "I mean, in the stage directions it just said, 'Deadpool shows up, talks really fast, and makes a lot of jokes. The film was produced in February 2016 from 20th Century Fox, it was an R-rated superhero action comedy set that was part of the X-Men movie universe. Despite its rating and its relatively unknown lead character, Deadpool doubled its opening weekend predictions, earning $135 million in the United States alone. The production team spent plenty of time at Iron Works than any other set around Vancouver. They started in March to do some filming and came back in May for any needed re-shoots. once the film was made, the deadpool team created lots of promotion material such as, plenty of movie posters and a few trailers to help get the word around about the movie

4/7- add your screen shot of the poster. 1: Make sure that you have all the elements on your poster: Main Image Title Tagline Credit Block Actor names/director name Release date

 Monday 18th July 2022                                Disaster movie trailer 

LO: to create an effective trailer 

self assesment 
i neeed to add director and actor names to my story board. 


  1. 17/1/22- Excellent work this lesson, well done.

  2. 21/3- Great work here, T 2. More detail in Describing when and where your film is set
    3. More detail on what is the overall mood of the film? How will you show this through costumes or settings?

  3. 16/5- Good work today T: 3. use the format of the script from my blog and extend your script.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 4/7- add your screen shot of the poster. 1: Make sure that you have all the elements on your poster: Main Image
    Credit Block
    Actor names/director name
    Release date


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